From refrigerated counters to packaging, innovation rhymes with sustainability

New consumer habits are driving the search for innovative solutions, ranging from LED lighting and advanced temperature control systems to environmentally sustainable packaging materials.

Modern and functional designs with a focus on visibility and temperature control. These are the atouts of the new refrigerated counters for pastry and gelato. But also LED lighting, to consume less and be more sustainable, and glass panels designed to highlight products, while precise humidity and temperature control ensure freshness.

Packaging also focuses on sustainability and functional innovationGreen solutions, such as recyclable or biodegradable materials, to meet the growing demand for eco-friendly products, and packaging designed to be reusable. Here’s what some of the industry players who will bring life to Host 2025, at fieramilano – Rho from 17 to 21 October 2025, think about it.

“We have been on a journey to sustainability for some time now by massively using gases with very low environmental impact, such as R290 and R455a, in addition to the use of CO2 refrigerant for connection to central refrigeration units. All our refrigerated products comply with Eco-Design and Eco-Labelling standards. We are working on internationalization, particularly the U.S. and Gulf countries, and Host is crucial for us to take these proposals abroad,” says Ilaria Paradisi, Marketing & Communication Dept. of Ciam.

A journey the packaging sector is also starting, as comments Luca Sala, Marketing Director of Novacart: “Today the boundaries between regional specialties are blurring, think of panettone, and the propensity for online purchases is increasing, opening up new scenarios for innovation. For the production phase, we use high-performance materials that improve baking and shorten time, saving energy, while for sales we use raw materials certified for recycling, putting sustainability at the forefront and making customers aware of the importance of this commitment.”

Alessandro Perli, Sales Manager of Scotton, sums it up: “Trends influencing innovation are sustainability, customization, functional design, and practicality. Growing demand for environmentally friendly solutions is driving towards recyclable or reusable packaging: consumers want to know the origin, production process of products and how to dispose of them. They seek personalized packaging that reflects their identity, favoring the use of technologies such as digital printing. They also demand ease of use, assembly and transport, stimulating functional and practical innovations.”

Not to miss any of these innovations, and many more, the must is the Gelato and Pastry area of Host 2025.

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